Saturday, September 13, 2008

Off to Sudan tommarow

I'm off to Malakal tommarow. I'm ready. I think. :) I got to go visit an awesome old friend tonight (matt dompier.) He works for International Justice Mission here in Nairobi. That was awesome! It was really good to catch back up with him after not talking to him for years. I'm stoked to see that he is following God. And exploring the call on his life. I hope to visit him again when i come back to nairobi.

I'm ready for Sudan. But my heart and mind have been there for so long that it's hardly very exciting. I'm just ready to settle in somewhere. I've been in transit for about a month now. And it's a little frusterating knowing that i'm waiting to go somewhere. It wouldn't be so bad if i were travelling for the heck of it. But when i am, just to get somewhere. Then i just want to get there already! Maybe some of you know what i mean...

I wanna shout out to my Kairos peeps. You know who you are! I think about you all alot. I know that most of you are in school. And there is all kinds of stuff happening there. Good... and bad. Joys and pains. Broken relationships... and good ones. But i want you all to know that i'm thinking and praying for you all. And that i have a feeling God is going to do something truly new/unexpected for you all this year.

I came across a passage the other day that reminded me of your group. And the heart behind it. Phillipians 2:15 talks about a "crooked and depraved generation" and that you will "shine like stars in the universe as you hold out (or form) the word of life." It just reminded me of this idea of working out your salvation. Which i know is a daily struggle for so many of you young adults. (me included!) Basically though Jesus had me read Philipians just for you guys i know. Because the whole book spoke to me about you all. You should definatly read it. But you guys to me are definatly stars that shine! Seriously...

Well anyways.

Things i miss most... if anyone wants to know. :) Fatty cheese burgers, pretty white girls, my electric guitar and most excellent VOX amp, and worshipping with you Kairos guys! In no particular order.

I'll take my leave now. Asante


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're alive and all that jazz. I miss you man. Stay strong and kick butt in the name of Jesus!

Nick's Chicks Progress Report said...

Yeah! Go lead worship in a language you don't speak!! I dig it.

Get some mailing info out. I've got fun stuff to send.